Monday 29 June 2009

Time at Home

The wwoofing seems to have taken a back seat at present but I have managed to keep myself busy.

My son helped build some raised beds from wood purchased from a local community project. I filled them with some lovely horse poo and homemade compost. This should rot down nicely, ready for next spring. Meantime, I have sown some seed in pots.

The annual permaculture course at Kilmartin House Museum had its Introduction Day where students were able to get acquainted with the local landscape.
We have been making elderflower cordial from the elderflowers growing by the cottage.
Last weekend we had another permaculture work bee in Kintyre where soil was put in place for a living roof.

A veg bed was dug and later netted to protect from birds and rabbits.

Fun was also had on the beach with a bbq and canoeing!