Tuesday 29 September 2009

Seil Community's Drill Hall Garden

On the way back from Luing I stopped off to see the new Community Garden on Seil

The community had built the garden after the old Drill Hall was replaced by a new community hall. They applied and got help from the BBC's Beechgrove Garden.

Lots of difference people were involved and the children from the local primary school at Easdale each chose and planted a tree with a slate tag with their name on it.
Seil is inshore from the 'Slate Islands' and the ground is riddled with slate spoil on top of a slate foundation!

The garden has lots of interesting features including this insect habitat wall.


Monday 28 September 2009

The Last of Summer?

Earlier this month I was lucky enough to go back to the lovely island of Luing and help on the caravan site; www.oban-holiday.co.uk

Caravans have changed somewhat since I was a child.
Now there are lots of cupboards housing showers and toilets,
They have done away with gas mantels and have electricity at the flick of a switch,
And the hoovers have gone space age!

As well as cleaning caravans, I helped weed the veg beds.

It was not all work, the rain decide to take a break as well and we had sunshine most of the time I was there. As this was totally unexpected we ran around trying to make the most of it, including a bbq on the beach at Culipool, watching the sunset over Fladda and Mull.

The beaches on Luing are mainly of slate, giving the opportunity for works of art?

I was also able to visit the island of Torsa where the only house is a holiday let nestled in the hills, tranquility, along with the sheep and cows.

Whilst exploring the island we found some marsh fritillarie webs and looked out to the isle of Shuna surrounded by mist.

I saw dolphins playing in the Cuan sound early one evening and the odd head of an otter or seal. What struck me most about staying on the island was how quiet it was, no background noise - bliss!

And Ruaraidh made a new friend.

Friday 4 September 2009


The days are definitely getting short and the summer sun seems to have disappeared!
Back in July we went to the Big Tent Festival - Scotland's largest eco festival where fun was had meeting people and dancing to the wide array of music.

Kilmartin House Museum took along their new yurt to camp in whilst they enticed those on the east coast to visit the museum on the west.

Amongst the eco exhibits was a 'do it yourself' juicer, run on peddle power.

The embryonic 'Permaculture Scotland' group had a stall where we were able to spread the word, garner interest in and run a couple of well attended Introduction to Permaculture workshops.

Even the sun shone and we were able to enjoy the novelty of sitting outside without midges!

At the beginning of August we went to the Ford Fun Day where by some fluke Ruaraidh won an obedience prize!

Later in the month it was the Mid Argyll Show. The annual agricultural show where Ruaraidh was saved the embarrassment of being entered their dog show.

Lots of animals, Scottish dancers, the Mid Argyll Pipe Band and old tractors turned out in the rain.

The Kilmory Home Farm Community Project displayed their plans for a community garden/growing areas in a dry tent.